Animated Dimensional Design Icon of a 3D symbol on a pull-up banner

Sculptural, spacial, and multi-planed.

The design of spaces, shapes, and objects take the traditional communication on flat planes to a new level by layering in the complexities of being in-the-round. Whether trade booths, banners, signage, or environmental areas, accounting for shape, distance, human ergonomics, and revealing content through various facades across time forces the designer to create snipets of information that all add up to a greater whole–a collection of smaller parts that must each stand on their own, yet also come together into a holistic experience.


PROJECT: AIchemedia Outdoor Signage
INDUSTRY: Full-Service Marketing Agency
AGENCY: AIchemedia

Alchemedia exterior building signage

PROJECT: Kellogg’s NRG Station
INDUSTRY: Food + Beverage
AGENCY: AIchemedia

Kellogg's grocery store graphics

PROJECT: Brew City Life-Sized Standup
INDUSTRY: Fried Appetizer Manufacturer
AGENCY: AIchemedia

Brew City tradeshow pop-up

PROJECT: Smucker’s NRA Trade Booth
INDUSTRY: Foodservice
AGENCY: AIchemedia

Smucker's NRA tradeshow

PROJECT: Paint the Town Yellow Party Invitation
INDUSTRY: Full-Service Marketing Agency
AGENCY: Noble & Associates

Noble and Associates NRA invitation

PROJECT: McCain Appetimers Tradebooth Graphics
INDUSTRY: Foodservice
AGENCY: AIchemedia

McCain Appetimers game show tradeshow graphics

PROJECT: Central Bible College Trade Banner
INDUSTRY: Higher Education
AGENCY: Robison Creative Studios

CBC tradeshow banners

PROJECT: Opticom Trade Banner
INDUSTRY: Telephony
AGENCY: Hirons & Company

Opticom tradeshow banners

PROJECT: Rivercut Signage
INDUSTRY: Upscale Golf Living Community
AGENCY: The Team

Rivercut signage

PROJECT: AIchemedia Indoor Dimensional Signage
INDUSTRY: Full-Service Marketing Agency
AGENCY: AIchemedia

Alchemedia interior building signage