Animated Miscellaneous Design Icon of folders

Graphic design is visual communication.

Although applied to a variety of media and formats, it is not media or format specific. The same methodologies and visual thinking are utilized regardless of the proportions, dimensions or objects that the message is created for. Part of the designers challenge is to identify the unique traits of the format and craft ideas within those parameters. This is considered alongside the message, audience, function and concept. As we progress into an innovative future it is inevitable that new objects will arise. Whatever these formats, the designers goal is to visually solve problems in any form.


PROJECT: The Thirty Fathom Grave – Album Artwork
AGENCY: 723 Design

Thirty Fathom Grave album covers
Thirty Fathom Grave album covers
Thirty Fathom Grave album covers
Thirty Fathom Grave album covers

PROJECT: Xeta Promotional Badges
INDUSTRY: Decentralized FinTech

Xeta Expert badges

PROJECT: Helios Wayfinding Banners
INDUSTRY: Full-Service Advertising Agency Department
AGENCY: Noble & Associates

Helios large scale banners

PROJECT: Ozark Adventures Magazine Icons
INDUSTRY: Outdoor Recreational Magazine
AGENCY: 723 Design

Ozark Outdoors icons

PROJECT: Sysco Appworks Training Guide
INDUSTRY: Foodservice Distributor
AGENCY: AIchemedia

Appworks materials

PROJECT: SMSU Athletic Materials
INDUSTRY: College Athletics
AGENCY: The Team

SMSU sports materials

PROJECT: Gilead Healing Center Pictograms
INDUSTRY: Alternative Medicine
AGENCY: Robison Creative Studios

Gilead icons

PROJECT: AIchemedia T-Shirts
INDUSTRY: Full-Service Marketing Agency
AGENCY: AIchemedia

Alchemedia shirts
Alchemedia shirts

PROJECT: Dinner for Life Invitations
INDUSTRY: Non-Profit
AGENCY: 723 Design

Dinner For Life invitations

PROJECT: iMarlin Website Icons
INDUSTRY: Interactive + New Media Agency
AGENCY: iMarlin

iMarlin icons

PROJECT: History of Typography and Drawing
INDUSTRY: Academic
AGENCY: 723 Design

History of Typography and Drawing accordion book
History of Typography and Drawing accordion book
History of Typography and Drawing accordion book

PROJECT: Robison Gamble Website Icons
INDUSTRY: Full-Service Design Firm
AGENCY: Robison Creative Studios

Robison Gamble Creative icons

PROJECT: Appy Holidays Christmas Booklet
INDUSTRY: Fried Appetizer Manufacturer
AGENCY: AIchemedia

iMarlin Appy Holidays Christmas booklet

PROJECT: Hip Sip Lounge Event Invitations
INDUSTRY: Higher Education
AGENCY: Star Awards

Hip Sip Lounge party invitation